Friday, September 30, 2011

Japanese Running Through My Head

So it's really beginning to dawn on me how much work it is going to take to get myself to think in Japanese.  So far writing isn't too much of a problem and I can memorize vocabulary pretty well, but reading and speaking are hard... really hard.  I can eventually read a sentence or say what I want, but it takes practically an eternity.  I guess I just need to sit down and read a ton of Hiragana even if I have no idea what it means so that I get faster at sounding things out.  Speaking will also hopefully get better with time.  It sucks that I missed the language table this week, but I definitely want to go on Tuesday. にほんご,  はい

Friday, September 23, 2011

にほんごの いちねんせい です。

はじめまして。クリーリー です。プリンストン だいがく にねんせい です。にほんごの いちねんせい です。わたしは アメリカ から きました。どうぞよろしく。

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Quiz

We had our first quiz today...  It think it went pretty well.  Just basic ひらがな and some useful phrases like おはよう ございます。Class is moving so quickly, I really hope that I'll be able to keep up.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The First Week

はじめまして。 Creely です。にねんせい です。どうぞ よろしく。
So that's about the extent of my conversational skill in Japanese so far.  I can say hello at different times of day, introduce myself, say goodbye and deal with some other small formalities.  It's been fun though.  Learning ひらがな has been really interesting and I can't wait do do more.  My vocabulary is still limited, but at least I can sound written words out now.  Anyway, I chose Japanese since I really wanted to do something completely different from anything I've done before (English and German) so it's been a great success up to this point. The symbols make writing look awesome and the spoken language sounds totally different from European languages.  I can't wait to learn more and really begin to speak Japanese.  On that note さようなら!じゃあ、また!